KGO’s “Smart Apartment Advisor” Spotlights Landlord and Tenant Law
Contact | Antonio White | | (415) 821-3167
KGO’s “Smart Apartment Advisor” Spotlights Landlord and Tenant Law
New Smart Apartment Advisor Show YouTube series discusses tenant buyouts, in-law units and comfort animals with prominent San Francisco attorneys.
San Francisco, Calif., Dec. 6, 2017 / J.J. Panzer, host of The Smart Apartment Advisor Show, is a San Francisco-based professional property manager and regular contributor to The Brian Copeland Show on KGO Radio. The show has launched a new YouTube series entitled Spotlight on SF Landlord and Tenant Law, which features in-depth interviews with prominent real estate attorneys like Andrew Zacks, Clifford Fried and Jeffery Woo.
“San Francisco renters have more access to free legal advice than the owners of the properties where they live,” states series host, J.J. Panzer. “While renters can contact free attorneys from the Rent Board, I too often hear from property owners who have inadvertently put themselves in trouble and lack legal representation. The negative financial impact to owners in litigation can be devastating. My advice to them is always the same– ‘Find yourself a good attorney.’”
Topics discussed during the series include tenant buyouts, with attorney Clifford Fried, where he shares research on how much San Francisco and Berkeley property owners reportedly spent on tenant buyouts in 2016-17. Attorney Jeffery Woo of White & Cooper discusses the controversy surrounding construction of Accessory Dwelling Units or ADUs (also known as in-law units) in single family homes – the tip: Don’t do it!
J.J. concludes, “The purpose of the series is to support small property owners in the professional rental market and become more informed about law. We may not keep property owners out of trouble but at least I can keep them informed.”
About J.J. Panzer, The Smart Apartment Advisor
Panzer is the Bay Area’s go-to property management expert, with more than 12 years of experience in the industry. He is the host of the new YouTube Show, The Smart Apartment Advisor Show and author of The Smart Apartment Investor: My How-To Guide for Managing Apartment Buildings for Creating and Transferring Family Wealth.
Panzer is the president and broker of Real Management Company ( in San Francisco, which handles property management, sales and leasing. He is available for interviews to discuss any topics related to renting, property management or real estate in the Bay Area.
Click here for The Smart Apartment Advisor on YouTube
Antonio White, AWMAsf
(415) 821-3167
Professional Property Manager, J.J. Panzer with guest, Attorney, Jeffery P. Woo of Cooper, White & Cooper discuss landlord and tenant law the controversy behind accessory dwelling units (also known as in-law units) construction in single-family homes. Photo courtesy of The Smart Apartment Advisor Show on YouTube #landlordtenantlaw #propertymanagement #sanfrancisco
Professional Property Manager, J.J. Panzer with guest, Attorney, Clifford Fried of Fried & Williams discuss landlord and tenant lawCosta-Hawkins legislation and new research on total tenant buyout payments in San Francisco and Berkeley. Photo courtesy of The Smart Apartment Advisor Show on YouTube #landlordtenantlaw #propertymanagementt #sanfrancisco
Professional Property Manager, J.J. Panzer with guest, Attorney, Andrew Zacks of Zacks, Freeman & Patterson discuss landlord and tenant law including section 8 contract matters and the distinctions between a service animal, a comfort animal, and a pet. Photo courtesy of The Smart Apartment Advisor Show on YouTube #landlordtenantlaw #propertymanagement #sanfrancisco